Pyha Nelhah

A sign on the apartment door catches your attention
"Pyha Nelhah
Full-time Botanist, Part-time Conjurer"
Pushing the door open, you are baffled by the sheer amount of plants and books scattered around the room. Aside from the bed in one corner, and the desk next to it, you see little to no other furniture. Just.... So many plants. A pollen-allergy nightmare.As for why you're here? Well... Could be any of various reasons. Are you a friend? A college? Maybe you're just some passerby that she rambled to about tea and were too startled to turn down her offer to try some of her mixes. You decide.

Collection of Tomestone Records

A dusty pile of boxes under the desk catches your attention. Should you really be going through a strangers things?
... As if your moral compass has ever stopped you before.
Hauling one of the boxes on top of the desk, you pull the flaps open. It's... Full of Tomestones. LOTS of Tomestones. Modernized versions for everyday use, but still a lot of them. Judging by the faint glowing light on one end, most if not all of them had data written onto them. Assuming they're ordered oldest to newest like any sane person would do, you pull out the one closest to you.

"Pyha Nelhah, born at 1:21AM on the second sun of the sixth Astral Moon. Female. Small and under-weight, but otherwise seeming healthy.She was born to G'Lye Frael, a La Noscan Seeker of Sun currently interning in Gridania's Botanist Guild. She refuses to name the Father."

A birth record? Do... Do people still keep those? Weird. Welp, onto the next tome...When you load up the next tomestone, a picture is projected onto the desk in front of you. It looks like... a Family.

Dust-free Shelf of Tomestones

Before you lies a set of tomestones that are... relatively clean compared to the rest of the room. It's... a strange sight. Nonetheless, you pick them up, curious of their contents.

"Name: Pyha Nelhah
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Birthday: 2nd Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Race: Miqo'te
Subrace: Mixed (Predominantly Keeper of Moon)
Skin: Slightly tan with decent freckling on face and shoulders
Hair: Mostly white with red and black streaking
Eyes: Blue (left) and Gold (right)
Eye Shape: Round
Build: Thin with minimal muscle definition
Height: 5’04”
Weight: 101 LBS
Mother: Roa Nelhah (formerly G’lye Frael) [Seeker]
Father: Fyh’ra Nelhah [Keeper]
Little Brother: Roa’a Nelhah [Mixed-Seeker]
Little Brother: Lye'to Nelhah [Mixed-Keeper]"
Seems to be a standard health record for the room's owner. Once the data stops playing, you pull out the next file:

On the corner of the desk closest to the bed, you see a leather-bound book. Or, at least, what looks like a book. Rather, it's simply a bundle of papers with leather binding it tightly.As you untie the knot, papers fall free, letting you look at some of them as you pick them up off the ground.

Several of the drawings bear resemblance to the members of the family photo. Except the boy with dark hair, and the other boy seems to be missing from the drawings. Maybe they just haven't drawn him yet?Just as you thought you had grabbed all the sketches, more papers fall out of the leather binding. This time, they seem to be... Cut photos?

And all of them, of the same girl.


"W-Wait, do you- Do you actually need this? Ah... Okay..."

Home: [PRIMAL] FamfritHousing: FC Apartment (Lavender Beds, Plot 33 Ward 11)